Thursday 10 June 2021

EU’ Rights Agency Report Shows Increase Of Racism And Child Abuse Fuelled By The Pandemic

The European Union Rights Agency has produced its annual report showing an increase in racism and child abuse. This according to them, has been fuelled by the coronavirus pandemic.

“The pandemic and the reactions it triggered exacerbated existing challenges and inequalities in all areas of life, especially affecting vulnerable groups,” a report by the Vienna-based Fundamental Rights Agency,(FRA), said.

The FRA also added that the pandemic sparked off profound racist incidents. Groups that are marginalized like Refugees and migrants lost their jobs due to strict lockdown measures. Not only that but they were also at high risk of catching the virus due to their living conditions.

More to this, the marginalized groups were the targets of,
“racist and xenophobic incidents, including verbal insults, harassment, physical aggression and online hate speech”, according to FRA.

The report shows an increase in sexual abuse of children in 2020. The agency has advised Europe as they are fighting the pandemic, they should also find a solution to the issues that have come with it.

This is not just a European problem, but a world problem. In Uganda for example, we are fighting the same issues. the country registered a large number of child abuse cases especially sexual abuse. As of now, very many girls have dropped out of school due to early pregnancy.

Much as the lockdown is useful, it has come with its issues as well. If not tackled, we may have a lot of problems to handle after covid. Unfortunately, they may even have a greater impact than Covid has had on the world at large.

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