Tuesday 2 November 2021

The Devil Is In Charge Of This Country, Winnie Kizza And Other Activists Claim

 Winnie Kizza and other activists have said the devil is in charge of this country. She made these remarks during a town hall virtual meeting on the Covid-19 global response. It was under the topic: “What are the benefits and implications.” According to the activists, the government has to protect the inherent rights of the citizens. Among these also includes, freedom of worship which apparently is not free anymore.

“Covid-19 restrictions on places of worship is a continuation of the bizarre failed attempts to control worship in Uganda. Uganda in 2018, and 2019 has a history of religious bills which are discriminatory and overreaching. Resist. I think the devil is in action here. We need to take a stand to unconditionally open places of worship. They closed churches but some areas are more congested/worse than churches. The devil has taken over the state,” she said.

Winnie Kizza also says that lockdown seemed like the best solution in the beginning. Due to this, she participated in sensitizing Ugandans to adhere to the lockdown regulations. However, much as Ugandans thought politicians were doing their job, Winnie says the issue was more politicized for the benefit of a few.

“Covid-19 was used to clamp down on democracy and make the democracy lose meaning. And up to now, the population has given up on government. They don’t think they are doing whatever they are doing in good faith.”

Meanwhile, they centered this conversation on the freedom of worship because Covid has affected it.

Click the link : https://newslexpoint.com/the-devil-is-in-charge-of-this-country-winnie-kizza-and-other-activists-claim/