Monday 26 February 2024

Doreen Kabareebe Claims Tenge Tenge Is More Popular Than Big Ugandan Musicians In US

 Ugandan ex-model, Doreen Kabareebe who now resides in the US has attacked some of Uganda’s biggest musicians by claiming that teenage TikToker, Tenge Tenge is more popular than them.

Taking to her X (Twitter) page, she said that the young boy is more popular than Dr Jose Chameleone, Bebe Cool, and Eddy Kenzo combined.

According to her, American kids showed her the TikToker’s videos and then asked her about him. They asked her if he lives in Uganda. From her assessment, he’s more popular than these musicians.

“American kids are here asking me about Tenge Tenge. Boys literally showed me his TikTok asking me if he’s in Uganda. Tenge is bigger than Eddy Kenzo, Chameleone and Bebe Cool combined,” she said.

Her social media followers expressed different opinions. Some called her out for disrespecting some of Uganda’s biggest musicians who have done tremendous things for the music industry in the country.

However, others complimented Tenge Tenge by saying that he is truly blessed because he’s now viral and famous everywhere. Some Ugandans in the Middle East said that even their Arab bosses always ask them about the boy as they do his dance moves.

Apparently, Tenge Tenge has a very large following on TikTok that is now close to 5m. His videos have also amassed many views on the platform.

He has already caught the attention of many people including celebrities both locally and globally. This reveals why he’s getting a lot of gigs nowadays.

Having had a troubled childhood, this seems like his time to make a life for himself. However, his family is rumored to be trying to foil this after having dumped him to the streets in his childhood.

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Tuesday 28 November 2023

Levixone Denies Being The Cause Of Carol Nantongo And Lydia Jazmine Breakup

 Gospel musician Lucas Lubyogo popularly known as Levixone has denied being the cause of the breakup between singers Carol Nantongo and Lydia Jazmine. It should be noted that the two female singers have dominated news headlines for the past couple of weeks.

This is after Carol unfollowed Jazmine on Instagram. Although none of the singers have confirmed being no longer friends, the rift seems evident.

Levixone has at some point been seen with the two musicians. He was asked whether it’s true that he and his federation president, Eddy Kenzo are some of the reasons the two singers broke up.

The Chikibombe singer denied this and said that the two were simply his friends. Besides, he didn’t even know that his name was also caught up in this fracas.

“I swear it’s the first time that I’m learning of how I’m entangled in this saga. However, people are free to gossip and talk all they want. I’m also entitled to give my side of the coin which is the truth.. It’s not true that I’m seeing any of the two. They are simply all my friends,” said the singer.

Apparently, Levixone was rumoured to have married former secular singer, Desire Luzinda. A traditional ceremony that was disguised as a music video shoot was carried out in 2021.

Up to now, no one has ever confirmed if they indeed got married. The two always act coy around the subject but most of the facts state that they are husband and wife despite living on different continents.

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Monday 10 July 2023

Oyam District By-elections: NRM To Probe Loss As Museveni Congratulates UPC

President Museveni has said that his party, the NRM will look into the parliamentary loss in Oyam District By-elections. While at this, he sent out his congratulations to the UPC candidate who emerged victorious. 

It should be noted that UPC’s Eunice Otuko Apio emerged victorious with 15,718 votes in the by-election. She was however closely followed by NRM’s Engola Okello Samuel with 15,161 votes. NUP and FDC candidates didn’t even make a thousand votes.

In a long tweet, Museveni referred to UPC as allies. Museveni further condemned all the ‘law breakers’ who pre-ticked the ballot papers on behalf of the voters. This is in no way an NRM conduct and as an act of treason, his party should never be part and parcel of it.

“Congratulations to our allies, the UPC and for the candidate, Eunice Apio, for winning the Oyam District by-elections. Congratulations also to the NRM and the candidate Engola Junior because the difference between the two was very small.”

“If UPC cheated in any way, the NRM can follow the legal channels. I condemn and demand action against the law-breakers that are said to have ticked the ballots on behalf of the voters. This is treason and no NRM should ever take part in that crime.”

The President further said that electoral malpractice has been a game of the opposition around Kampala. And his NRM incompetent officials have failed to nab them.

Furthermore, he insisted on a revamp in the election process saying that it should be electronic as this reduces chances of election malpractice. Apparently, the President revealed that he always congratulates UPC and DP because they haven’t been disruptive as other opposition political parties.

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Monday 3 April 2023

Stop Judging People To Be Gays Before You’re Sure – Kasuku

In 2014, they wanted to pass the Anti-homosexuality bill but it failed. Ever since then, everyone has been quiet about it not until this year when cases of homosexual behavior increased especially in school going students.

Videos of young Ugandans being recruited into the homosexuality started trending last year. People complained through social media but nothing was done.

There is one video of a boy who was used and left in a very medically critical condition without any help. His parents started asking for help and exposing people that used him although nothing was done.

The acts continued to increase until this year when government picked up on it and decided to discuss it in Parliament. They passed the Anti-homosexuality bill although the president hasn’t signed it into law yet.

With all this, now people are judging each other about being gay based on looks and what they wear.

Kasuku said he is tired of seeing people being bullied especially the men for dressing in pink. He said everytime a man is seen in that color people conclude he is gay without any proof.

According to Kasuku, that is very disrespectful and someone needs to judge a fellow of being gay after proving it.

“Ugandans should stop judging people that they are gays before they are sure. This thing is very annoying and disrespectful. Every time a guy puts on pink, it is concluded that he is gay which is not the truth,” he said.

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Thursday 17 November 2022

Hon. Chris Baryomunsi Says Ministers Don’t Have To Attend Plenary Sessions To Show They Are Working

The Big Talent boss said that they had agreed 140m shillings and Luba was supposed to pay a 50% deposit. He then paid only 40m shillings which Kenzo gave to the team doing rehearsals. However, the show was cancelled with just 7 days remaining. And since Luba hadn’t effected the 50% clause, the agreement was already breached by him.

Kenzo also added that the show was canceled by government due to the pandemic. This is therefore beyond his control and exonerates him from any wrong doing. Luckily for Luba according to the BET award winner, he was compensated by the government and proof is there.

Their agreement also had a clause saying that in case of any disagreements, they should first sit to discuss it out before running to court. However, Luba didn’t come to Kenzo for mediation but only ran to court. This was in addition to accusing the Stamina singer of refusing to negotiate with him.

Besides, his contract ran up to 24th May 2020 and he doesn’t own the rights to the Festival. Kenzo also added that Luba said that the Festival that was organized is not the one he planned. He therefore doesn’t know why the events promoter ran to court.

Thursday 1 September 2022

Kween: Man Defiles Girl, Burns Her Body And Commits Suicide

 Kween district police are investigating circumstances surrounding a very queer incident. It involves a man who raped a girl, burned her body, and later committed suicide. This happened at Kortowamalil, Cherangut parish, Kwosir sub-county in Kween district.

The police revealed that a one Abraham Sande, on August 29, grabbed 8-year-old Leticia Chemutai. He then locked her up in his grass-thatched house and raped her.

“After the heinous act, he slit her throat using a knife killing her instantly. He abandoned the body inside and set the house on fire,” authorities revealed.

Apparently, as he watched the house burn, he then took poison to try and take away his own life. Luckily, his neighbors responded quickly and took him to Kapeoron health centre IV for treatment.

While he received treatment at the hospital, the neighbors found out about his gruesome acts of rape and murder and informed the police. The police followed him to hospital for further management before an interrogation but he died.

“He was pronounced dead on arrival and both remains are still at the hospital mortuary as inquiries continue,” said the Sipi regional police spokesperson Rogers Taitika.

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Friday 1 July 2022

NRM Nominates 115 For Six EALA Positions

total of 115 candidates have shown interest in flying the flag of Uganda in the East African Legislative Assembly under the ruling NRM party card.

The NRM electoral commission chairperson, Dr Tanga Odoi revealed that these nominees will be vying for the six positions availed for the ruling party.

“This level of interest is a sign the party and its organs are very vibrant. It shows people are interested in what NRM does. To have 115 members showing interest for EALA  is a good sign and record that has never been made,” Dr.Tanga said.

He revealed that most of the candidates showing interest are youths. He said they are the most because the removal of the shs.2million nomination fee encouraged them to join the race.Among the 115 are James Kakooza, Denis Namara, George Odongo, Rose Akol, Mary Mugenyi  and Paul Musamali. They are the current representatives on the NRM ticket but are seeking re-election.

The Central Executive Committee will sit today to get the successful aspirants after the electoral commission of the ruling party sends in the 115 names.

The CEC will then recommend names of successful candidates  for election to the NRM Parliamentary Caucus at a later date.

Uganda has a few slots in the East African parliament. Six of these belong to the ruling NRM party, then Democratic Party, Forum for Democratic Change. The independents each have one.

A term in the EALA consists of up of 5years. And according to their laws, an MP can serve for a maximum of two terms.